2D RPG Game

Showcasing a MMO that I founded and worked on for 14 years before moving to casino industry.

medivia project

Project Showcase: Medivia

Medivia (final name, also known under Classicuss, Nastarius, Tibianic) is a 2D top-down MMO game, directly based on Tibia, a 1997 originating game.

Having created over 29000 sprites to fill within game, having it's own native client running under OpenGL, DirectX.

At it's peak having 3000 concurrent players logged in at same time, with over 2500+ paid monthly subscribers.


Founded together with another and run for around 14 years in total, really being the foundation of all things I do today.

From running tech, marketing campaigns, community management, direct customer support, bi-yearly planning and releasing big content update.

Project sold to the other founder in 2019 as wanting to pursue new challenges within gambling industry. The game is still playable and available at